On Being the Passion


PASSION. It's one my favorite words in the English language! But I'm not crazy about how we talk about it. You've heard "find your passion" or "follow your passion" so many times. We're always talking about passion like it's some far off destination. We all want to find and follow this elusive passion, but when we fixate too much on discovering it, we skip over something very important. And that something is that passion is not an external hidden treasure box where a life of true fulfillment dwells... it's an intrinsic gift that already lives inside of us.

Passion is the match that sits in the box till it's sparked. It's the seed who needs water and sunshine to reveal its potential, and the undiscovered album containing your future favorite song that is patiently waiting for you to press the 'play' button.

The true catalyst for passion isn't any person, place, or thing that is out there. It's us! It's you. It's me. I'm the passion, you're the passion, WE'RE ALL THE PASSION!

(that is, if we decide to be)

By spending so much time trying to find and follow our passion, we are missing out on the opportunity to bring true passion to everything that we do.

There's a big difference between just doing your Monday and doing your Monday with PASSION, isn't there? You could even clean with passion, or smash that to-do list with passion, or even passionately pop right up when your alarm goes off  instead of snoozing it five times, rather than treating these everyday things like monotonous and insignificant stepping stones on the way to bliss.

Try doing something you hate to do with total passion. As passionate as you can get! Make it a game. Bring it to life. Go totally over the top! Make yourself laugh. Notice how passion shows up for you when you create a real opening for it to come through. It's within you, and you can enhance its potency the more that you play with it!

Passion is one of those essential factors that makes the difference between living and just existing. But it's just going to sit there in the seat of your being collecting dust until you become willing to acknowledge it's presence and put it to work in your life!


P.S. If there's anyone on this planet who knows something about "being the passion", its a Flamenco dancer! Have you ever seen one in action? I HIGHLY recommend checking out a performance on YouTube for some maaajor passion inspo!